2011년 5월 3일 화요일

Spirng is here

Now, not cold anymore.
Warm spring is here. ( warm spring is come)
今天多少度? 今天二十三度今天比昨天还暖和
Today 23 degree today is warmer than yesterday.

Dam Skin , Dam Pimples

为了 找回皮肤的生气要勤快一点儿了

Now I neglected skin care, my skin was a mess.
I didn’t wash my face well.. wash my face roughly (J), go to bed late (no sleeping…)
I have looked the mirror and I got shocked.
My skin is not look like healthy. There were two red pimples.
Awwww, I need to back in a regular life cycle for my healthy skin.
以前的那个丢(ipod), 次就精美价格低廉的

I got new ipod. It is cute and low price (cheap)
I was thinking which music that I want to put in (m ipod) and I put (or store) Chinese music and movie.
 Listen it over and over again, now (I can ) or (it has been able to sing a songs naturally.

The singer name is . Song name is 爱你 (love love you (?))
It is al ballad, slow tempo.. quite song.
follow this url if you want to listen.


2010 国的大学名次.
清华,北京大, 国人民大学是名牌大学.
清华 北京大学在北京.
2010 国的名牌大(can use??)学是北京大.

China’s best colleges.
Tsingua University, Peking University (Beijing University), and Renmin University, are in Beijing.
Peking University and Tsingua University is in Beijing.
Peking University is the best ranked university in China 2010. 

I found interesting universities.

Huazhong Agricultural University
Huazhong Agricultural University is in Huazhong. It is a specified college for Agricultural.

China University of Petroleum.
China University of Petroleum is in Beijing.

China University of Mining and Technology.
China University of Mining and Technology is in Xuzhou.

2011년 2월 7일 월요일

Chinese famous singer

今天中国的著名歌手  写作 (writing?)

中文名字叫 :   范冰冰
英文名称为:    BingBing Fan 

She is 下照片.
height : 168cm 

she was 大众电视 我最喜爱的电视明星 (My famous singer) at 2000 and 中国十大红星 (my famous singer - top 10) at 2003.

I like her saying "只要认真做就一定能做好!相信自信,会走的更远!"
Trust yourself, put effort on everything, you can move forward.

Fan Bing Bing's song


Fan Bing Bing is famous Chinese female singer. I think she is singer, business woman, actress, and model. She was picked for my famous singer at 2000 and my famou singer -top 10 in 2003.  I have listen her music when I was in high school, because one of my chinese friend played in her room, but I don't remeber what was the song name and I lost the mp3 file too.  I like her saying "只要认真做就一定能做好!相信自信,会走的更远!"
Trust yourself, put effort on everything, you can move forward.  I'm not sure about the english translation.

2011년 1월 26일 수요일


节张贴(First posting)-

下星期三就是春节了  韩国元旦这个时期放3天假就是2,3,4

在中国春节时的假期很长. after 个星期
韩国春节的早上吃年糕汤(Lin laoshi 你们那儿吃?)
韩国的糕汤照片. rice cake

中国的饺子.  jiao ji

Next week is New Year's Day in South Korea, China, and Japan.
In South Korea, the holiday start from Wed, 2~4, for three days.
I heard that Chinese new year's holiday is much longer than South Korea.
It is big holiday with family and foods.
South Koreans eating rice cake soup (called Dduck Guck)  and Chinese eating  (饺子 Jiao Ji).
The date for new year's day is changing every year, because it follow the lunisolar chinese calender.